Join the Ecoprod Global Community !


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Join the Ecoprod Global Community and enjoy a premium access to our tools, network and resources ! 

Find out more

1. A tool for Carbon'Calculation : Carbon’Clap

Get a premium access to our tool already available in French and English ! Carbon'Clap is built with the acute knowledge of environmental experts, and created for the very specific needs of the audiovisual industry. Enter your data (financial, physical or based on sector studies), get your carbon footprint and a clear mapping of your emissions in order to reduce them. The platform is designed for carbon calculation on all live-action production formats (commercials, fiction, features, documentaries, etc.), tailored for international co-productions. This carbon calculation tool integrates the energy mixes of countries all over the world.

  • + 3100 users made a concrete comitment to climate
  • + 5000 footprints of audiovisual productions have been made
  • + 23 company premium accounts created
  • + 59k t.CO2eq have been managed and monitored by our experts

2. A network 

Join the 350+ members of our network in their effort towards a more sustainable industry, focusing on sustainability issues, sharing information and practices, expanding your network and facilitating the implementation of international measures.

  • Working groups to share best practices and difficulties to find solutions together, and help improve common tools.
  • Networking, to find partners committed to these themes and expand your network. We can also put you in touch with people or companies involved in these issues in many countries.
  • Improving sustainability among co-productions, by sharing information, keep up to date with the latest developments in other countries.

3. Label for impact reduction

The Ecoprod Label enables you to certify your eligible productions. Assess your green production score, verify eligibility, and prepare for certification with Carbon’Clap.

  • A common reference framework, and common criteria, enabling you to follow a precise methodology, based on 80 criteria among 10 departments (location management, production...).
  • A tool to minimize your impact. You can use the grid and criteria to reduce your impact. If your score is over 65%, you may contact Afnor Certification to obtain your certification. A recent Ecoprod Study showed that productions reaching this level of engagement reduced, on average, their carbon emissions by 40% on the four main emissions items.
  • A comprehensive toolkit : The tool is linked to Carbon'Clap and its criteria to enable you to make your own self-assessment.