Carbon’Clap presents itself as an online interface, usable on any type of device.
1. Create an account
Account creation is free. Fill in the requested information in the registration form. If you wish to activate two-factor authentication, contact the Ecoprod team.
2. Your dashboard
The dashboard gives you an overview of the carbon emissions of your completed projects. You will be able to compare your projects with each other, identify the largest impacts, and design your green production approach.
3. Create an configure a project
From your "My Projects" list, create a project by clicking on the "New Project" button.
You must enter the general configuration data of your work before accessing the data forms. Configuration information is requested for statistical purposes to be able to propose carbon indicators (by budget, by minute produced, etc.) on your report page.
In the "tag partner structures" field, identify the companies with which you wish to share your report. Only companies that have a Carbon'Clap member space can be tagged on projects. If your company is not listed, contact us (reserved for Ecoprod members). Learn more.
The "selection of stages necessary for your project" allows you to select the form data to display based on their relevance to your project. For example, if you did not use set decoration, this section can be unchecked so you do not have to specify this data in the report.
4. Collaborate on your projects
To use Carbon’Clap collaboratively, you can invite other users to collaborate by assigning them a role of “Contributor” or “Viewer”. The “Contributor” role has access to the form and can edit the data. The “Viewer” role only allows viewing the report of your project.
5. Enter your forecast or final data
Create a “forecast” and/or “final” data form. The forecast report allows estimating the impacts before production to identify the posts with the highest carbon weight and to establish an green production strategy.
The final carbon report establishes the real carbon impact of your project. Throughout the production, collect actual activity data and enter them in Carbon'Clap to establish the final carbon report of your project.
All activities included in the project budget must be included in the carbon report, except for artistic rights, salaries, and social security contributions. If some information is missing, Ecoprod offers statistical data for certain activities.
The data entry form follows the logic of a production estimate and presents eight categories:
- Production
- Filming Locations
- Set design
- Wardrobe Makeup Hairdressing
- Travel
- Catering
- Technical Means of Production
- Postproduction
The indicators to be entered are, for some, physical flows (area, human.time, volume, kilowatthour, kilogram, kilometric distance, etc.), for others, monetary flows (€, $, £…). How to fill in the Carbon’Clap from a CNC estimate? Find post by post, line by line, how to enter the information from your CNC-type estimate into Carbon’Clap.
If a field is not clear to you, a contextual help section is offered by clicking on the interrogation point (?) badge. Each tab must be saved as you progress to save your data using the "Save" button.
6. Evaluate the carbon footprint of your project
Once the form is completed, you will have access to your "Report". This carbon assessment gives you an overview of the carbon emissions of your project and the distribution of your emissions by production stage (pre-production, shooting, post-production) and according to the main observed emission posts (transportation, electricity, waste, etc.). These data will allow you to identify your action levers. Ecoprod provides documentation of good practices to lead an green production approach.
7. Close your project
Once all the data for your project has been entered, close the report to mark it as completed and access exports. For users concerned by the CNC's eco-conditionality of aids, you will find the document to submit in the "Report" tab by clicking on "Export CNC" (available once the project is closed).